Tuesday, June 11, 2013

My 6 month check up...

Hello Beautifuls!
So before I left the country I received a 6 month check up and I have good news...all is well! From the breast exam I received (just the doctor feeling my breasts with her hands, not an ultrasound), there are no new lumps that she could feel and the ones that are present, have not grown. And perhaps they might have shrunk because she could not feel any large ones (like the ones that were there from before my last surgery in December). I have also been doing self breast exams and I do not feel any new ones. الحمدلله. Now, I am not sure what exactly this means, but I am so happy that for right now I do not have any more growths.
And I do feel like my diet has had a large impact on my experience. For almost a year now, I have been vegetarian, and I have cut back on my soy intake. What I want to do is demonstrate how we do have control over our health and our own well beings. We do not need to let this disease define who we are, nor determine our future health. I want to stress this point especially because I was in contact recently with a beautiful woman who has a highly aggressive form of fibrocystic disease. Remember: there are many options for you, and I would highly suggest focusing on the aspects of this disease you can control. Like your health, mind, and soul.
But I feel healthy, beautiful and great! And I love my lifestyle changes. My scars are healing up nicely and I'm hoping to take back control of my life.
Let me know if yal need anything.
