Saturday, December 29, 2012


Well I had my fourth surgery for fibrocystic disease. I had three fibroadenomas removed from my right breast and one from my left breast. The one from my left was about 5 centimeters long and the ones from my right were about 4 cm long. I feel like I lost a cup size. Which would be nice since I have DD's…
Since the summer I had been trying natural ways to combat this disease. Seeing that of my original 11 in the right and 9 in the left, only 4 grew, I would call that an accomplishment. I am going to go back to monitoring closely my foods-I still don't eat meat which is good, but I have been sneaking in yogurt with hormones (oh come on! That Greek yogurt with honey is just too damn good!). So I am hoping that yesterday will be my last surgery ever. I am never going to take birth control, and I'm always going to be conscientious of what I eat. 
Recovery is going all right. Because of the large incissions I have a special sports bra thing that I have to wear for 48 hours. I'm probably going to keep it on for longer. The most difficult part about recovery is dealing with the pain. The pain meds make me really sick so I have to counteract the nausea which so far I've been going into a ball and crying. Also sleeping is pretty difficult. I am a tosser and turner, so I have to try to only sleep on my back. I woke up last night with a shit ton of pain because I accidentally rolled over.
Again, I am hoping that this will be the last surgery. And I do feel that I have a lot of control over whether it will be or not through diet and exercise. I am unsure how large the other fibroadenomas are, but I know they were smaller than the largest four. The doctor noticed my previous scars and was surprised at how many times I have gone under the knife for this. I still am advocating for more research and support for people who have fibrocystic disease. It is a life changing disease and can be overwhelming for some women as we have noted on this blog. I will keep you updated on my recovery.

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